Workshop on Machine learning with Python

The workshop began with an inaugural function presided by Dr. M S Ganesha Prasad-Dean, Professor and HOD-Mechanical. An introduction to the speaker Mr. Vinay M Haritsa was given by Prof. Vinayak P B. The first morning session of the workshop on Day 1 began at 9.30 am. The students were asked to bring their laptops installed with jupyter notebook. The speaker began the session with the introduction to the jupyter notebook. He began with few basic operations and then gave a detailed introduction to different python packages like Numpy, Pandas, SciKit, Matplotlib which is extensively used for Machine learning. Selecting and indexing the data, slicing and dicing, position and label based indexing was discussed. The afternoon session began afterlunch where the speaker gave an insight of data visualization by using different plots. The day 2 session began with speaker introducing the different machine learning technique. The Regression and Classification algorithms were explained and the model architecture of decision tree algorithm was explained by gini index and entropy method. The afternoon session on day 2 was complete model building using decision tree on a chosen dataset. The hands on session for the workshop was conducted at MBA classroom A-301. The total no. of participants for the workshop was around 80 students. The workshop was concluded at 4.30 pm on Day 2 with a formal valecdictory function presided by Dr. M S Ganesha Prasad-Dean, Professor and HOD-Mechanical. The certificate distribution then followed.