Webinar on Novel Trends on Composite Materials

On the 23rd of November, the Department of Mechanical Engineering of New Horizon College of Engineering hosted a guest lecture on the topic, “NOVEL TRENDS ON COMPOSITE MATERIALS” through a zoom session. This guest lecture was coordinated by Prof. Rajesh A and over seen by our Head of the Department, Dr. M.S. Ganesha Prasad.
Our Distinguished guest speaker was Mr. Rahul P John, who is a researcher and an Assistant Professor. He completed his B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering at Kerala University, Thiruvanthapuram, and Master of Engineering in Production Engineering at Anna University. Currently, He is pursuing his Ph.D. in Green Composites at AMRITA VISHWA VIDYAPEETHAM. He has written a journal paper on the production of helmets
from the composite material derived from the leaves of pineapples.
The session started at 10 a.m. when prof. Shiva Prakash delivered the welcome speech and introduced us to the guest speaker. Mr. John started his presentation by briefing us about what Composite Materials are and the importance of it in our lives. Next, we saw the
different classifications of Composite Materials and their various applications in the world, for example, Dental Implants, fabrication of the body of a Formula1 car, sports equipment, etc. Later we learned about the constituents of Composites and their various Design Variations. This was followed by the manufacturing process of Composites.
Next, we learned about the limitations and the Novel trends of these Composites. Lastly, we were shown the various opportunities in Industry and Research fields concerning Composite Materials.
At the end of the presentation, there was a Question and Answer session where students actively cleared their doubts and concerns regarding the subject. It was a very informative session which benefitted the students in learning the subject. The session was lively and colorful where the speaker delivered the content enthusiastically with the help of a Power Point presentation. The whole presentation was covered in duration of two hours.
Overall, it was a very good and informative session where the students learned a lot regarding the subject.