Guest Talk on “SAP integration in Benz”

Date: 08/08/2023 to 09/08/2023
On 8th and 9th of august , New Horizon College Of Engineering had the distinct privilege of hosting a special session featuring representatives from SAP and BENZ , Gobal hiring and placement team. The event aimed to provide our students, faculty, and staff with a uniqueopportunity to engage with industry leaders, gain insights into their respective sectors, and explore potential avenues for collaboration and learning.
DAY – 1
We had Mr.Rahul Sachdev and Mr.Kumar from the SAP company addressing us about SAP Modules and the courses available for certification the students can take up as a challenge .We were also given a small insight about the the courses mostly used around the industry.
We also had the BENZ company officials discourse about the sustainability factor involved in the making of the premium luxury cars ,leading us toa carbon neutral path .The zero carbon related topic was given the most priority as the world is focusing on the go green agenda,which was addressed precisesly by Mr.Vignesh. Mr.Tanveer gave us a brief idea about the work culture and the environment in the company workspace and also gave a brief about their colleagues.
Then Mr.Poddy had taken over the session and gave us an in depth explanation about SAP functionalities with BENZ .The main key take away from this part of the session was the main modules of SAP that are integrated with the BENZ company .
Just as the meeting came towards the end ,we were surprised about 50 SAP certification vouchers worth 15000 from Mr.Rahul Sachdev . All the participants were excited to hear the news as it helps them in upskilling in the field of SAP .
DAY -2
Mr.Rahul started the session by addressing all the students briefly about the in depth of SAP alliances and the work related modules .Then we were introduced to Mr.Vipin who works for SAP company ,and had taken the lead of the session by helping us the understand about the basics of SAP by taking a few real time examples such as Honeywell , Benz and a few other major partners of SAP .
Then we were given the chance to experience the hands-on session with the SAP business application studio ,where we were thought about the possibilities of creation of websites and apps using this software .The trial student version was made available to all the students to understand the functioning of the software.