Guest lecture on Emerging Automotive Technology – 14th Sep 2019

Expert: Mr. P Rajendran, HoD Automobile Engg. External Training Program, Nandi Toyota Bangalore
The department of mechanical engineering organized a guest lecture on the topic of Emerging Automotive Technology. The speaker for the session was Mr. P Rajendran, HoD Automobile Engg, External Training Program, Nandi Toyota in the field of Automotive Engineering. The speaker has over 33 years of experience in the field IC Engine, MPFI System, Common Rail Injection System, i-VTECH, VVT, Automatic Ignition System, Braking System, Catalytic Converter, Air Injection System, Air Aspirator System and Emission Standards.
The session included an overview of Automotive Technology which is essential required in multidisciplinary approach for the design and manufacturing of products. The concept of automotive covered the area of technology involving alternative fuels for CI engine, supercharger, turbocharger, antilock braking system, exhaust gas recirculation system used in design and development on new vehicles in industries was discussed.
The Automobile electronic fuel injection (EFI), driverless car, battery vehicle, fuel charging issues were explained clearly. The selections of appropriate projects to take part in various competition for pre final year and final year instructed effectively.
The overall program was very much interesting and benefitted for the students to select internship in automotive field and do their research and get placed in suitable domains.