FDP on Advances in CAD Modeling techniques using CATIA

Topic: Advances in CAD Modelling Techniques using CATIA
Dates: 17th & 18th January 2019
A Two days faculty development programme on “ADVANCES IN CAD MODELING TECHNIQUES USING CATIA” held at the Department of Mechanical Engineering on 17th & 18th January 2019.
The sessions were taken by experts from EDS technologies on CAD modeling. During training various tips and techniques for effective design using CATIA were discussed and suggested. The resource person practically demonstrated the designs using CATIA. All sessions were practice hands on exercises. The sessions were very much informative. The discussed areas are of great benefit for the participants. Participants were enlightened with the most widely used advance technologies in today’s Engineering CAD design. This in turn will help faculties to impart extra knowledge to their students.